Episode #28 — Save The Soil

Elizabeth Pearce, Founder and CEO of SymSoil

In this episode, Elizabeth shares why the diminishing layer of topsoil is a major concern not just for farmers, but for all humans. She explains the science behind regenerative agriculture and how we’re damaging the topsoil, as well as some ways that the average person can support regeneration efforts. We depend on topsoil for nearly all of the world’s food production, so if there was ever a time to get your hands dirty for a cause, this is it.

Show Notes

95% of our food is grown in the uppermost layer of soil, also known as topsoil. However, this critical component of our food system is rapidly disappearing, making the future of food production on this planet unknown.

Luckily, my guest today is here to spread awareness about this problem and offer some practical solutions we can all use to save the earth’s topsoil. Elizabeth Pearce is the founder and CEO of SymSoil, a soil health company with products that improve soil quality and increase profitability for farmers.

In this episode, Elizabeth shares why the diminishing layer of topsoil is a major concern not just for farmers, but for all humans. She explains the science behind regenerative agriculture and how we’re damaging the topsoil, as well as some ways that the average person can support regeneration efforts. We depend on topsoil for nearly all of the world’s food production, so if there was ever a time to get your hands dirty for a cause, this is it.

    What You'll Learn

  • How Elizabeth started on her dirty journey.
  • What regenerative agriculture is and why topsoil is so important.
  • What climate drawdown is.
  • 3 SymSoil products that are addressing this problem.
  • The real culprit of our disappearing topsoil.
  • 3 ways we can support the regeneration of topsoil from home.

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