Ep #68: Keeping Pets and the Planet Happy with Jiminy’s CEO Anne Carlson
Insect agriculture is transforming the pet industry, fighting climate change, and keeping our furry friends happier and healthier while also looking after the planet. Tune in this week to discover the vast reduction in greenhouse gasses produced by insect-based pet food compared to using traditional livestock with the founder and CEO of Jiminy’s LLC, Anne Carlson.
Show Notes
Today, Elizabeth is taking over the podcast to interview Anne Carlson, the founder and CEO of Jiminy’s LLC, a dog food and treats brand that focuses on the use of insect protein instead of conventional animal proteins, producing nutritionally balanced meals for our furry friends without adding to a worsening climate crisis.
Insect agriculture is transforming the pet industry, fighting climate change, and keeping our furry friends happier and healthier while also looking after the planet. Using insect proteins addresses the overall health of our pets while reducing their carbon pawprint, and Anne is here to discuss all of it.
Tune in this week to discover the vast reduction in greenhouse gasses produced by insect-based pet food compared to using traditional livestock. You’ll learn how insect farming is more efficient, more humane, and more environmentally friendly, and we’re covering what the future has in store for sustainable protein sources in the pet food industry.
- How Jiminy’s is changing the pet food industry.
- The environmental benefits of using crickets and grubs as a protein source instead of traditional livestock.
- What the insect farming landscape looks like and how it reduces environmental contamination.
- The mind-blowing carbon footprint of all the dogs and cats in the US.
- How Jiminy’s has packaged its product to appeal to the pet-owning market.
- The specifications Jiminy’s insists its insect suppliers meet.
- How the insect agriculture sector is growing in the US.
What You'll Learn
Links Mentioned
- Sensiba Center for Sustainability is offering all Rebooting Capitalism listeners a free 30-minute discovery call to help you determine which ESG frameworks, metrics, and goals are right for your organization. They’ll help you connect the dots between ESG risks and opportunities and discuss the impacts ESG has on your organization’s bottom line. Click here or send an email to set up your free discovery call.
- Rebooting Capitalism: Instagram | Twitter
- Connect with me on LinkedIn
- Jiminy’s: Website | LinkedIn | Instagram
- Anne Carlson: LinkedIn
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