Episode #24 — Sustainable Supply Chains

Tim Greiner, Co-founder and Managing Director at Pure Strategies 

In this episode, find out why assessing your supply chain for sustainability is so important and how to decide which metrics to assess it for. Having this conversation with your suppliers can be challenging, so Tim shares how to make it easy and mutually beneficial. We talk about the benefits of working to create a more sustainable supply chain, and what you can do to start the shift today.

Show Notes

Companies in every industry are making the shift to become more sustainable and ethical. This shift forces them to look at their supply chain and acknowledge where it could improve.

My guest today, Tim Greiner, helps businesses transform their supply chains, engage with suppliers, improve protocols and identify risks. Making environmental, social, and ethical changes to your supply chain doesn’t have to be overwhelming with the help of Tim’s team at Pure Strategies.

In this episode, find out why assessing your supply chain for sustainability is so important and how to decide which metrics to assess it for. Having this conversation with your suppliers can be challenging, so Tim shares how to make it easy and mutually beneficial. We talk about the benefits of working to create a more sustainable supply chain, and what you can do to start the shift today.

    What You'll Learn

  • How companies can decide what to screen their suppliers for
  • The benefits of working towards a more sustainable supply chain
  • How companies can start this conversation with their suppliers
  • How to hold suppliers accountable
  • Tim’s recommendations for supply chain management software

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