Episode #35 — ESG Investing with Matthew Blume

Matthew Blume, Head of the ESG Research and Shareholder Advocacy at Pekin Hardy Strauss Wealth Management

In this episode Matthew gives us the lowdown on ESG investing, ESG rated funds, and the various socially responsible investing options. He touches on which companies face more pressure to be transparent in their ESGs, which types of funds perform best, and he even shares some resources for learning about your current investments.

Show Notes

Do you know what you own? When you contribute to your 401K, do you know what that money gets invested in? More consumers are starting to ask these questions, and today’s guest is the perfect person to help guide them.

Matthew Blume is the head of the ESG Research and Shareholder Advocacy work at Pekin Hardy Strauss Wealth Management. There’s currently no standardization of Environment and Social Governance goals, so Matthew is helping us understand what to look for in companies that we may want to invest in or even purchase from.

Listen in this week as Matthew gives us the lowdown on ESG investing, ESG rated funds, and the various socially responsible investing options. He touches on which companies face more pressure to be transparent in their ESGs, which types of funds perform best, and he even shares some resources for learning about your current investments. If you’re an at-home investor looking to put your money where your values are, Matthew is providing the expertise and advice to do just that.

    What You'll Learn

  • What an ESG and an ESG rated fund is.
  • How ESG rated funds are rated.
  • Why it’s a myth that ESG funds don’t perform as well as traditional funds.
  • Matthew’s advice for at-home investors who want to align their investments with their values.
  • How companies can attract more investors.
  • What Matthew sees for the future of sustainable business.

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