Episode #6 — Standing in Your Truth and Trusting Your Feet

Mark BrownBusiness Coach & Author of Outward Bound Lessons to Live a Life of Leadership: To Serve, to Strive, and Not to Yield

The way we look at business leadership has been changing and will continue to change. The switch in company culture to be more empathetic has left many executives at a loss for how to adapt. This week, we’re joined by Mark Brown, executive business coach, to talk about how bosses can better lead their teams. 

Show Notes

The way we look at business leadership has been changing and will continue to change. The switch in company culture to be more empathetic has left many executives at a loss for how to adapt. This week, we’re joined by Mark Brown, executive business coach, to talk about how bosses can better lead their teams. 

For decades, company leaders were supposed to be the experts in their industries. They were rarely seen on the same playing field as their employees. Today, that form of leadership is no longer effective. Through leading executives on outdoor adventures, Mark Brown teaches leaders how to be lifelong learners and embrace their mountains. 

Mark’s passion for leadership development was ignited when he went on his first Outward Bound expedition at the age of 25. One of the key elements of the course was to work with what you’re given. He was taught to face his fears and learn how to make sound decisions from a place of uncertainty. 

In this episode, Mark tells us his story of embracing adventure and unpredictability to become a stronger leader. We chat about the power of thriving in adversity, the changing value of employees, and what it means to “trust your feet.”

    What You'll Learn

  • The immense dissonance caused by changes in the economy.
  • How times of uncertainty can be the richest times for learning.
  • The most important traits of an effective leader today.
  • How to treat employees like the assets they are, not as expenses.
  • The key questions you should ask yourself before you decide to lead.
  • What it means “To serve, to stride, and not to yield” in leadership roles.

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