Local Government
As a local government, you have responsibilities that include (and go beyond) effective financial and risk management. Our dedicated team understands the unique challenges of local government entities and supports your reporting and administrative needs with efficient audits, and comprehensive reporting and compliance services.
Our Services
Financial Statement Audits
Our audit team blends technical accounting knowledge and local government experience to assist you with meeting your legal requirements for annual financial audits.
Federal Program Audits
Our team has extensive experience in performing federal program audits under the Uniform Guidance for local governments which spend more than $750,000 in federal funding during their fiscal year.
Governmental Auditing Standards
We serve many local governments who are required to obtain an audit performed under Governmental Auditing Standards (Yellow Book).
Agreed-Upon Procedures
We review specific procedures, processes, or other subject matter. A specific procedure review may examine financial or non financial matters and will result in a report of factual findings.
ESG Consulting
We help identify opportunities to meet citizen expectations, pursue cost savings, and enhance governance through sustainable practices.
Community Involvement
- Bend LaPine Schools
- Economic Development for Central Oregon
- KIDS Center
- Opportunity Knocks
- Bethlehem Inn
Ready to get started?
Are you ready to find out how our Local Government practice can help you? Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you reach your goals.