Sensiba Audit Partner appointed as Kidney Walk Chair for second year
Pleasanton, CA, August 9, 2018 – Sensiba, a leading Northern California-based accounting and business consulting firm, is pleased to announce Audit Partner, Frank Balestreri, has been appointed as Chair of the 2019 East Bay Kidney Walk.
The East Bay chapter of the Kidney Walk started in 2015 and has grown each year. This is Balestreri’s second year as the Kidney Walk Chair. His first year’s focus was on individual fundraising. The walk’s fundraising went from $76,000 in 2017 to over $100,000 in 2018. This next coming year, he plans to focus more on corporate sponsors and donations.
“I am honored to Chair the East Bay Kidney Walk for an additional year,” said Balestreri. “Being the Chairperson is a fantastic opportunity for me to help spread the word about kidney health and the great work that the National Kidney Foundation is doing to improve the quality of life for so many that have been impacted by Kidney disease.”
For 64 years, the National Kidney Foundation has been the go-to organization for people with kidney disease and with the continued efforts of volunteers and participants of the Kidney Walk, they can continue get the word out through public awareness, patient and medical education, treatment guidelines, and research.