As of July 1, 2022, The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) has reinstated excise taxes imposed on certain chemicals and imported chemical substances. The original excise tax expired on December 31, 1995. This current iteration is set to expire on December 31, 2031. The excise tax was not only brought back, but the IIJA doubled the prior tax rate on chemicals.
In turn, the tax rate of imported substances was also effectively doubled. Manufacturers, laboratories, and other businesses may begin to see these excise taxes passed along to them on invoices from their suppliers. Here’s more on what is included in the Superfund Excise Tax and what to keep an eye out for.
Superfund Infrastructure Bill
The infrastructure bill imposes taxes on certain chemicals and imported substances under Internal Revenue Code sections 4661 through 4672. More substances are expected to be added, but the list is below. Any manufacturer, producer, or importer of a taxable chemical is subject to the superfund excise tax. The Superfund chemical taxes should be reported on Form 720, Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Return, and Form 6627, Environmental Taxes.
How to Calculate the Superfund Excise Tax
As with many excise taxes, the cost to businesses is expected to be passed down the supply chain and ultimately to the end consumer through increased prices and fees. Unless your company is a manufacturer or importer of chemicals and substances, there is no additional reporting required regarding the superfund excise tax.
If you are a manufacturer or importer, your organization must be prepared to report and remit the excise tax. Calculating the superfund excise taxes is complex, and accurate reporting data can help companies reduce their tax burden.
Taxing Chemicals in Section 4661
The Section 4661 tax is imposed as a rate per ton of a taxable chemical. Part II of IRS Form 6627 has been updated to reflect these rates.
Taxing Substances in Section 4671
The amount of the Section 4671 tax to any taxable substance, is generally the amount of Section 4661 tax that would have been imposed on the taxable chemicals used in the manufacture or production of the taxable substance if the taxable chemicals had been sold in the United States for use in the manufacture or production of the taxable substance.
If the importer does not calculate the Section 4671 tax for a taxable substance and the IRS has prescribed a tax rate for the taxable substance, the tax is calculated using the rate prescribed by the IRS.
Suppose the importer does not calculate the Section 4671 tax for a taxable substance, and the IRS has not prescribed a tax rate for the taxable substance. In that case, the amount of tax is 10 percent of the appraised value of the taxable substance as of the time the taxable substance was entered into the United States for consumption, use, or warehousing.
The IRS is working on calculating tax rates for taxable substances and will release them as they become available.
Superfund Tax Chemicals List
According to the IRS, “A taxable chemical is a chemical that is (i) listed in section 4661(b), and (ii) manufactured or produced in the United States or entered into the United States for consumption, use, or warehousing.” Below is the current list of taxable chemicals.
Acetylene Benzene Butane Butylene Butadiene Ethylene Methane Naphthalene Propylene Toluene Xylene Ammonia Antimony Antimony trioxide Arsenic | Arsenic trioxide Barium sulfide Bromine Cadmium Chlorine Chromium Chromite Potassium dichromate Sodium dichromate Cobalt Cupric sulfate Cupric oxide Cuprous oxide | Hydrochloric acid Hydrogen fluoride Lead oxide Mercury Nickel Phosphorus Stannous chloride Stannic chloride Zinc chloride Zinc sulfate Potassium hydroxide Sodium hydroxide Sulfuric acid Nitric acid |
Superfund Tax Substances List
According to the IRS, “A taxable substance is any substance that, at the time of sale or use by the importer of the substance, is listed as a taxable substance. . . under section 4672(a)(3), or if the Secretary of the Treasury or her delegate (Secretary) has added it to the list of taxable substances pursuant to section 4672(a)(2) or (4).” Below is the current list of taxable substances.
Cumene Methylene chloride Styrene Polypropylene Ammonium nitrate Propylene glycol Nickel oxide Formaldehyde Isopropyl alcohol Acetone Ethylene glycol Acrylonitrile Vinyl chloride Methanol Polyethylene resins, total Propylene oxide Polybutadiene | Polypropylene resins Styrene-butadiene, latex Ethylene oxide Styrene-butadiene, snpf Ethylene dichloride Synthetic rubber, not containing fillers Cyclohexane Urea Isophthalic acid Ferronickel Maleic anhydride Ferrochromium nov 3 pct Phthalic anhydride Ferrochrome ov 3 pct. carbon Ethyl methyl ketone Unwrought nickel Chloroform | Nickel waste and scrap Carbon tetrachloride Wrought nickel rods and wire Chromic acid Nickel powders Hydrogen peroxide Phenolic resins Polystyrene homo-polymer resins Polyvinylchloride resins Melamine Polystyrene resins and copolymers Acrylic and methacrylic acid resins Ethyl alcohol for nonbeverage use Vinyl resins Ethylbenzene Vinyl resins, NSPF |
If your organization believes it may be subject to the reinstated Superfund Excise taxes, be prepared to begin reporting on chemical use. Please contact our team if you have any questions about the implications of the infrastructure bill.