Episode #41 — Benefit Corporations with Jonathan Storper

Jonathan Storper, Partner at Hanson Bridgett

Jonathan Storper is a corporate transactions attorney and has been practicing law for over 35 years. He formed the first certified B-corp law firm, Hanson Bridgett, and had a hand in crafting the benefit corporation guidelines. He joins me this week to share how he got involved in benefit corporations and the history of how it all started.

Show Notes

As you may know, my day job is helping companies certify as B-corps, and one of the biggest hurdles in that process is shifting a business entity type or governance documentation to a benefit corporation model. This week, I’m putting all the myths to bed and addressing the fears of making that shift with the person who helped craft the benefit corporation model.

Jonathan Storper is a corporate transactions attorney and has been practicing law for over 35 years. He formed the first certified B-corp law firm, Hanson Bridgett, and had a hand in crafting the benefit corporation guidelines. He joins me this week to share how he got involved in benefit corporations and the history of how it all started.

Listen in this week as we talk all about benefit corporations, their principles, and some of the implications business owners should be aware of as they go through the shift in process. Hear what a benefit corporation entity type is, why it’s so different from a C-corp or an S-Corp, and the intentions behind the language in the governance documentation that usually trips up folks looking to make the shift.

    What You'll Learn

  • The basic definition of a certified B-Corp.
  • What it takes for a for-profit corporation to become certified.
  • The difference between a regular corporation, a certified B-Corp and a benefit corporation.
  • Some of the challenges faced by benefit corporations.
  • Why there is no reason a benefit corporation can’t go public.
  • The benefits to making the shift to the benefit corporation model.
  • Jonathan’s vision for the future of sustainability in business.

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